FERC Order 881 – Advanced Facility Ratings Management



Compilance with

FERC 881



FERC 881 is a federal regulation requiring transmission providers to use ambient-adjusted ratings (AAR) instead of conservative, worst-case weather assumptions when evaluating near-term transmission capacity. This change enhances grid efficiency and prevents underutilization of transmission lines.


IPS® Advanced Facility Ratings Management (IPS®AFRM) fully integrates FERC 881 compliance by enabling utilities to implement and manage ambient-adjusted ratings. With IPS®AFRM, transmission providers can accurately assess near-term line ratings, optimize grid capacity, and improve reliability while meeting all regulatory requirements.

FERC 881 Compliance within IPS® Portfolio

IPS®AFRM Supports Full Compliance with FERC Order 881

IPS®AFRM uses the connectivity defined in the network model to identify all electrically connected equipment to ensure accurate and transparent facility ratings. The system utilizes all established rating types for this equipment and includes calculated line limits imposed by the protection system. Using current and forecasted industry-recognized weather data, these rating types can be calculated on any needed time frame, utilizing any defined calculation for Base, Seasonal, AAR, or Emergency ratings.


IPS®AFRM is a CIM-based solution capable of dynamically responding to changes in the network model based on available data. It can intelligently process all dynamic and static data from the lines and within the substations and can be connected to real-time monitoring systems. IPS®AFRM is available as an on-premises or cloud solution.

FERC 881 Requirements

Public utility transmission providers to implement ambient-adjusted ratings on the transmission lines over which they provide transmission service.

Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO) and Independent System Operators (ISO) to establish and implement the systems and procedures necessary to allow transmission owners to electronically update transmission line ratings at least hourly.

Public utility transmission providers to use uniquely determined emergency ratings.

Public utility transmission owners to share transmission line ratings and transmission line rating methodologies with their respective transmission provider(s) and with market monitors in RTOs/ISOs.

Public utility transmission providers to maintain a database of transmission owners’ transmission line ratings and transmission line rating methodologies on the transmission provider’s open access same-time information system site or another password-protected website.

FERC 881 Summary

Are you ready for FERC Order 881?

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued an order, FERC 881, representing the most comprehensive changes to facility rating management in several decades. Utilities will be required to report seasonally/environmentally ambient adjusted performance ratings and manage a more significant number of performance ratings at different temperature levels. Thus, utilities must update their systems and processes to comply with this regulation.


IPS has enhanced the Facilities Ratings Management of the IPS®SYSTEMS platform to support this:

Static Ratings (Base Ratings)

Often, static ratings reflect a manufacturer’s “nameplate ratings,” reflecting worst-case assumptions. While the assumptions used to determine the static ratings of transmission lines vary by operator, they are typically assumptions such as an ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), wind speeds and directions of .61 meters (2 feet) per second with a 90-degree wind to conductor angle, and clear skies with sunlight at midday. In the IPS® system, these assumptions can be adjusted according to the customer’s requirements. For all rated values, the system includes limits imposed by the protection system for overcurrent and distance protection. These limit values are calculated in the system by the IPS®SLC (Safe Load Calculation) module.

Seasonal Ratings

Traditionally, seasonal assessments are calculated similarly to static ratings but with different assumptions about environmental conditions for summer and winter. In support of FERC 881, users will define all four seasons, although not necessarily three months each. Assigning ambient temperature assumptions (typically based on 5- or 10-year historical maximums) for each season, this is generally used for planning purposes. In the future, seasonal assessments will also consider solar irradiance (day and night). Emergency Ratings may also be established for seasonal evaluations.

Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AARs)

For FERC 881, you must provide AARs on an hourly basis with a 10-day forecast for all applicable equipment documented in the Facility Rating Methodology used. IPS is integrating weather data to provide real-time weather data by location and all historical data needed to meet the FERC 881 requirement of 5 years. AARs will account for static design assumptions that are modified hourly by ambient temperature and solar irradiance. FERC 881 requires that AARs be recalculated whenever the temperature changes to 5 degrees or more since the last calculation. IPS allows any desired temperature range down to 1 degree.

Ensure FERC 881 Compliance with IPS®AFRM

Optimize your transmission grid’s capacity and reliability with IPS® Advanced Facility Ratings Management. Experience seamless compliance with FERC Order 881 and fully utilize your infrastructure.


FAQs about FERC Order 881 – IPS®AFRM

IPS® Advanced Facility Ratings Management is a solution designed for utilities to meet the requirements of FERC Order 881. It helps utilities collect and manage facility rating information for all series devices and integrates weather data to provide accurate Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AARs) for transmission lines.

IPS®AFRM supports full compliance by using network model connectivity to accurately identify electrically connected equipment and calculate various rating types. It dynamically processes static and dynamic data, calculates ratings such as Base, Seasonal, AAR, and Emergency ratings, and integrates real-time and forecasted weather data as required by FERC 881.

AARs are ratings adjusted based on ambient temperature and other environmental factors. IPS®AFRM provides AARs hourly, integrating real-time weather data and forecasts. It automatically recalculates ratings when temperature changes by 5 degrees or more, as required by FERC 881, ensuring accurate and timely updates.

IPS®AFRM handles rating types in the following ways: It allows users to define and manage different rating types. Static ratings are based on predefined assumptions, such as ambient temperatures and wind speeds. Seasonal ratings are calculated based on different environmental conditions for summer and winter. Emergency ratings can also be established for critical situations, ensuring utilities can effectively meet all rating requirements.

Yes, IPS®AFRM can be integrated with real-time monitoring systems, enabling it to process dynamic data from lines and substations. This allows utilities to continuously monitor, and update facility ratings based on real-time conditions, ensuring compliance and operational efficiency.